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Characteristics of strategic alliances In Jordanian Financial Institutions – Prof. Marwa Ahmed

Characteristics of strategic alliances In Jordanian Financial Institutions – Prof. Marwa Ahmed



The main objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of strategic alliances in Jordanian Financial Institutions

The research instrument employed was a survey questionnaire; data were collected via mail surveys. A structured questionnaire was developed based on past studies and data for the included companies were gathered using archival sources when possible. A total of 23 characteristics of strategic alliances   were asked on a five-point Likert-type scale, which ranged from strongly agree to strongly disagree.


The results shown that the one who works in a financial institution has 50 to fewer than 100 employees feels strongly that strategic alliances require mutual trust more than the ones who worked in a company with fewer than 50 employee.

But the one who works in Irbid City feels strongly that strategic alliances are Less clear contributions and benefits, Often small initial resource commitments, Limited time duration and May involve relations with competitors and complementary firms more than the ones who worked in Zarka City and Amman City. 

The female feels strongly that strategic alliances are can add more value to partnering firms by creating organizational mechanism that better aligns decision authority with decision knowledge and can add value to partnering firms through organizational flexibility more than the male.

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