Supervisor’s word

All thanks and praise be to Allah, all praises and salutations of Allah are upon you, my Master, Messenger of Allah and upon your Family and Companions, and those who are guided by the light of your sunnah until the Day of Judgment.

Dear all,

We are so pleased to introduce   Iefpedia which comes as a fruit of hardworking and continuous efforts, and we hope this site will be useful for all readers, researchers and specialists, Muslims and non-Muslims seeking for the truth of Islamic economy and finance.

As we said before Iefpedia is a fruit of day and night hardworking and continuous efforts, so we hope that May Allah accept us and give us the Thawab.

No one is perfect, and no one pretend to be; only Allah is perfect. So Iefpedia and its administration hope that dear visitors will notify us of any note or constructive criticism. May Allah enable us to serve his religion Islam, all scholars and all who interested in this science, Islamic economy and finance.

No doubts that our honorable visitors are the heart of this site through their continuous and useful postings, and that will be considered as ongoing charity for them, as long as sincerity towards Allah is the base of their participations.

We implore Allah to grant us sincerity in speech and actions and give us a good ending.

We depend so completely on Allah, and all praise belongs to Allah.

Founder and general supervisor of Iefpedia.
Your brother: Dr Bishr Mohammad Muwaffak Lutfi

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