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Masters and PhDs (Abstracts)

Masters and PhDs (Abstracts) – (4)

John B. Poindexter
       The Efficiency of Financial Markets: The Venture Capital Case , ( A PhD Thesis )
       New York University ,1976 , Abstract .

Ahmed A. Mohamed Al-Suwaidi
       The Finance of International Trade in the Gulf Arab States: A Comparative Study Between the Conventional and Islamic Banking Systems with Special Emphasis on the United Arab Emirates, Part I & II , ( A PhD Thesis )
       The University of Exeter ,1991 , Abstract .

Ali Abderrezak
       The Impact of Government Budget Deficits on Interest Rates , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Kansas State University ,1987 , Abstract .

Mohammad Haghighi
       The Impact of the Islamic Economic Doctrines on Modern Business Institutions with Emphasis on Iran , ( A PhD Thesis )
       University of Northern Colorado ,1982 , Abstract .

Hussein Sharif Hussein Omer
       The Implications of Islamic Beliefs and Practice on the Islamic Financial Institution in the UK: A Case Study of Albaraka International Bank UK , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Loughborough University of Technology ,1992 , Abstract .

Bashir A Attwergy
       The Islamic Banking Practices: Possible Acceptance in the USA as perceived by Islamic and US/Western Bankers , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Nova University ,1988 , Abstract .

A.H. Enazy
       The Islamic Development Bank: Its Origins, Purposes, Functions and Operations, 1975-1983 , ( A Masters Thesis )
      McGill University ,1986 , Abstract .

Radi Ibrahim El-Bdour
       The Islamic Economic System: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Money and Banking in the Islamic Economic Framework , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Utah State University ,1984 , Abstract .

Abdul-Rahim A. Al-Saati

       The Islamic Reform to the Saudi Arabian Financial System , ( A PhD Thesis )
       University of Colorado ,1986 , Abstract .

A PhD Thesis
       The Islamic Theory of International Relations: Its Relevance , ( Past and Present )
       Abdul Hamid Ahmad Abu-Sulayman ,1973 , Abstract .

Muhammad Fathi M. Osman
       The Juristic Rules of Conquered Land and Land Taxation: Fay and Kharaj. Their Origins and Development in Medieval Islam , ( A PhD Thesis )
      Princeton University ,1976 , Abstract .

Mashal Dakheel Al-Mashal
       The Kuwait Finance House: Viability and Growth as an Interest-Free Financial Institution , ( A PhD Thesis )
       United States International University ,1987 , Abstract .

Elzubeir Khalifa Elzubeir
       The Marketing of Islamic Banking Services with Particular Reference to Faisal Islamic Bank, Sudan , ( A PhD Thesis )
       City University Business School ,1984 , Abstract .

Javed Ahmed Khan
       The Modern Arab-Islamic Thoughts on Interest , ( An M.Phil Thesis )
       Aligarh Muslim University ,1987 , Abstract .

Ahmed Abdullah Malik
       The Money Supply Process in Saudi Arabia , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Indiana University ,1970 , Abstract .

Zohreh Ahghari
       The Origin and Evolution of Islamic Economic Thought , ( PhD Thesis )
       The Florida State University ,1991 , Abstract .

 Adnan M. Abdeen 
       The Role of Accounting in the Economic Development of Syria , ( A PhD Thesis )
      Mississippi State University ,1974 , Abstract .

Richard Ali Mohamad
       The Role of Islamic Banks in Economic and Social Development with Particular Reference to the Sudanese Experience , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Glasgow College ,1990 , Abstract .

Abdel Salam Bakur M. Emam Al-Takroni
       The Role of Planning in the Economic Development of the King- dom of Saudi Arabia , ( A Masters Thesis )
       Jackson State University ,1984 , Abstract .

Abdul Moiz Manzar
       The Role of State Policy in the Development of Sugar Industry in India (1931-1970) , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Patna University ,1971 , Abstract .

Shono Hisashi
       The Second Oil Crisis and the Prospect for the Oil Market Thereafter , ( A Masters Thesis )
       Newport University ,1991 , Abstract .

Mahmood Ibrahim
       The Social and Economic Background of the Umayyad Caliphate: The Role of Mu’awiya ibn Abi Sufyan , ( A PhD Thesis )
       University of California ,1981 , Abstract . 

 Mohammad Hossein Panahi
       Theory and Application of Islamic Economy: A Case Study of Iran , ( A PhD Thesis )
       The University of Wisconsin ,1987 , Abstract .

Ahmed Farid Mohsin
       Theory, Development and Implementation of Islamic Interest-Free Banking , ( A Masters Thesis )
       University of Stirling ,1987 , Abstract .

Abdel Fatah D. Ali
       Toward an Islamic Managerial Alternative: An Analysis of Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Claremont Graduate School ,1986 , Abstract .

Waqar Masood Khan
       Towards an Interest Free Islamic Economic System: A Theoretical Analysis of Prohibiting Debt Financing , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Boston University ,1984 , Abstract .

Belarbi Abdelhafid
       Towards an Islamic Economic System , ( A PhD Thesis )
       University of Cincinnati ,1992 , Abstract .

Tarek Ali Fadaak
       Urban Housing Policy Evaluation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Portland State University ,1984 , Abstract .

William Arthur Wells
       Venture Capital Decision-Making , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Carnegie-Mellon University ,1974 , Abstract .

Kamil Kayode Kamaluddeen
       Zakah Tax Accounting for Corporate Enterprises , ( A PhD Thesis )
       Ummanu Danfodiyo University of Sokoto ,1991 , Abstract .

One thought on “Masters and PhDs (Abstracts) – (4)

  1. Dr M Kamal Uddin Jasim

    More intensive research on islamic economics and banking is required though in the meantime done enough but because of required publicity it is not being informed by the concerned.

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