The Role of Awqaf in Achieving the SDGs and Vision 2030 in KSA United Nations Saudi Arabia Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector Press the Link: The Role of Awqaf in Achieving the SDGs and Vision 2030 in KSA (ENGLISH)_0
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The Behavioral Economics Guide 2021 Introduction by: John List Edited by: Alain Samson Press the Link: The Behavioral Economics Guide - 2021
Read MoreControlling Islamic Financial Engineering with Reasoning and Rationale – Abdullah AlSkaker
Controlling Islamic Financial Engineering with Reasoning and Rationale By: Abdullah AlSkaker Qassim University 15 December 2021 Press the link: Controlling Islamic Financial Engineering with Reasoning & Rationale
Read MoreExecuting Shariah Standard 59 – SUKUK
Following AAOIFI Shariah standards might have been a ‘nice-to-have’ in the past, but today, they have become a necessity. Much has been written so far about Shariah Standard 59. For me, this is not new as I have experienced two other similar cornerstone events in the past. The following is how I
Read MoreNegative Real Yield and Sovereign Sukuk
Negative Real Rates Have Reached the Shores of Many Countries Across the Globe. Our Islamic finance industry is not immune. The question is, how many sovereigns have issued local denominated Sukuk for which the yield has been strongly negative throughout 2021? It is interesting that not much is there about
Read MoreHeadline Risks and Debt Capital Market – Regulation S vc. Rule 144A
Sukuk and conventional financing share the same features that could make them vulnerable to global factors. One thing to note is that international investors should consider economic fundamentals over the headline risks that come from the Middle East. In our region (Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)), active portfolio managers, who are
Read MoreUnderwriting Cross-Border Sukuk Deals
Before issuers tap the global fixed market, lead arrangers would have been selected first as they will play a vital role in marketing the debt instruments. Some regional GCC banks would be able to underwrite deals (notably the UAE and Saudi financial institutions), while other GCC banks may face some
Read MoreWhen Islamic finance graduates slip away and end up in different industries
Every now and then, I receive academic enquires or a request for career advice from Islamic finance students. I always keep wondering who will make the cut and join our industry. This is the sad story of how the Islamic finance industry is losing its young prospective foot soldiers. I
Read MoreThe Need for Sovereign Guarantees to Spur Growth in Debt Capital Markets
One of the pillars of within Islamic and conventional debt capital markets’ ecosystem is insurance and guarantee related products. Setting up an Islamic guarantee for debt instrument can become a catalyst to stimulate growth as well as enabling corporates to access the market at better borrowing rates. To make economic
Read MoreWomen Empowerment Sukuk: Noble Goal with Challenges
The concept of utilizing sukuk proceeds for the empowerment of working-women is new to this niche industry and it is yet to be adopted. This noble goal will need the support of beyond Islamic finance stakeholders and investors in order to thrive as there are many challenges ahead of its
Read MoreProspective new sovereign/corporate issuers (in the emerging & frontier markets) often tumbled into unchartered territory with debut sukuk issuance, especially if that jurisdiction of an issuer has never issued an Islamic debt instruments before. There is no easy crash course that can summarize what these prospective issuers can expect as
Read MoreThe “conventional wisdom” of indicative sukuk pricing
One of the most known misconception among prospective issuers (in the emerging & frontier markets) that sukuk pricing differs from bonds. Well, it is not! Debt Capital Market Bankers use the same conventional wisdom for pricing of bonds. Knowing the indicative pricing is the most decisive factor for reluctant issuers
Read MoreArbitrating in the Cyber World of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Regimes – Ernest Edward Badway & Kristen L. Howell
Arbitrating in the Cyber World of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Regimes Ernest Edward Badway & Kristen L. Howell Press the link: Arbitrating in the Cyber World of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Regimes
Read MoreBasel Committee on Banking Supervision – Consultative Document – Prudential treatment of Cryptoasset Exposures – June 2021
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Consultative Document Prudential treatment of Cryptoasset Exposures - Issued for comment by 10 September 2021 June 2021 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) 2021 Press the link: Basel Committee CD on Prudential Treatment of Crytoasset
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