Was the Middle East’s Economic Decline a Legal or Political Failure? A Review of Timur Kuran’s “The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East” Adeel Malik 8th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Economic Development from an Islamic Perspective Doha - Qatar
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The Absence of the Corporation in Islamic Law: Origins and Persistence
The Absence of the Corporation in Islamic Law: Origins and Persistence By Timur Kuran
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Judicial Biases in the Ottoman Empire: The Roles of Inter-Court Competition and Personal Exchange By: Timur Kuran & Scott Lustig
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The Discontents of Islamic Economic Morality By TIMUR KURAN
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Economic Modernization in Late British India: Hindu-Muslim Differences By: Timur Kuran & Anantdeep Singh
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Why the Middle East Is Economically Underdeveloped: Historical Mechanisms of Institutional Stagnation By: Timur Kuran
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The Scale of Entrepreneurship in Middle Eastern History: Inhibitive Roles of Islamic Institutions By: Timur Kuran
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Read MoreIslam and Economic Development By John Perkins Many in the Muslim world perceive that their economic circumstances lag behind that of the "West". They may also be aware that in the golden age of Islam, Muslim societies led the world in science, philosophy, culture and prosperity. Since then, Muslim empires
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Chicken, adultery, and other bad "Islamic finance " analogies The pietist view of Islamic finance is often defended based on bad analogies. A version of the first analogy was heard repeatedly at the Harvard Islamic Finance Forum, following a National Bank of Pakistan assertion that beef burgers at McDonald's in Karachi
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The Religious Undercurrents of Muslim Economic Grievances By Timur Kuran Source: http://essays.ssrc.org/sept11/essays/kuran.htm
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