نظرية عربية في الإدارة من أجل تنمية مستدامة – د. عبد العزيز مصطفى أبو نبعة

نظرية عربية في الإدارة من أجل تنمية مستدامة – د. عبد العزيز مصطفى أبو نبعة

بحث مقدم إلى: المؤتمر العلمي الخامس

بعنوان: نحو مناخ استثماري وأعمال مصرفية إلكترونية

جامعة فيلادلفيا – كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية

عمان – الأردن

4-5 / يوليو / 2007م


         Management plays a great and important role in the advancement of nations in the whole world. Consequently, a number of   theories emerged and   new ones are still emerging from time to time. The   search will go on and on to achieve administrative fulfillment.


 The problem of the  study is  that we have to participate in developing  management  thought instead of just consuming the  western theories  which  might not be  applicable in  our  environment.

  The aim of   the   study then is to develop an Arabic Management Theory from our Arabic and Islamic Heritage   that can be workable in our environment.


The   new   theory is based on three pillars.

 The first concept is service: which means   that manager should   respect   his employees as he respects his   guests in order to win their cooperation and increase their   productivity.


The second concept is counseling with his employees before taking  any decision ,.this  necessary in directing people and motivating them to work .This is also is important for the manager  to make the right and   wise decision.

The   third pillar is justice. This concept means that the manager should consider fear of GOD before taking any decision, and be fair with all his employees, other wise he may punished and go to hill.